Reality TV show data

Reality TV show data
Strictly Come Dancing is a very popular reality TV show in which celebrities are partnered with professional dancers and compete each week in different styles of dance. In 2019 the show had an average audience of 7.9 million. The target audience for the show used to be middle/working class people around the age of 30+, however since 2018 the show has been aiming to attract a younger audience as well through the celebrities they choose.
Love Island is a reality show that is very popular with younger people. Its main target audience being working class people around the ages of 16-24. The show has an average viewing of 3.3 million viewers.
I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here is a TV show that is very popular amongst many ages. I think the main target audience is working/middle class people between the ages of 13-60. The show has an average viewing of 13 million.
